Izabela Rytwinska
What drives you in your work?
To discover together what buyers and sellers need is the reason I get out of bed every day. Moreover, I meet people of all nationalities here, each with their own story. That makes this work incredibly interesting.
What is something that people can wake you up for at night?
I like to wake up early for an hour of yoga or a walk in nature.
Why do you work here and not somewhere else?
Our dedication and professionalism towards clients is something you won't easily find anywhere else. Moreover, I have been working here since day one. Consequently, I have witnessed our growth at close quarters, and I really feel like I am part of the team.
What do you think is the most special building in Amsterdam?
The Eye Film Museum always manages to enchant me. The futuristic design in its photogenic location on the IJ River contrasts with the busy city center. And they also run great films there. Perfect, right?