Margarita Kradjian found out a little more about Sofie Ganeva, one of Fantastic Frank's founders and Head of Creative. Do you want to know what makes her happy, what’s her mission with Fantastic Frank and how she defines good real estate images, go on reading.
Who is Sofie Ganeva and what’s your story with Frank?
I’m one of four founders, my role since the beginning is to steer the ship in terms of photography and styling. I’m a workhorse, a mover and shaker, and at Frank I’m typically flowing between being a visionary and a person of details.
Ok but really why Frank?
Frank is an innovator and a bit of an odd player, a contrarian in our sector, since day one. I love that. We always stayed very true to what we are and diligent about the ”Frank look” - the manner and expression, always high quality. I’m very proud of what we have achieved and blessed to still be a part of it.

What is your mission with Frank?
I’m working according to our motto Inspire to buy. By finding the right framework for each photo project and teaming up with creatives with whom you share same ideas, the images feel as inspiring and exciting as we want them with that right Fantastic Frank look and feel. The images are the instrument we use to make people fall in love with, and eventually buy a property.
How do you define a good real estate image?
It’s actually not complicated. A space or an object, something that initially feels very simple, but grows into a beautiful picture thanks to an unexpected angle or a different light. That’s the magic created through the lens of the camera.

Where is Frank in 5 years?
We’ve been working extremely hard growing Fantastic Frank into an international real estate company. In Sweden Frank was the game changer 10 years ago, as the inspiring and brand oriented agency we are, and I’m convinced we’ll continue to praise our mission and expand into more countries, and hopefully new continents, in the coming years.
Most proud of in your work?
All the talented people I’ve worked with and the relations over the years. Meeting ambitious photographers, interior stylists and architects and designers, some of them in the starting point of their career, and to see them progress and establish in their field, and most importantly creating connections between them leading to fantastic collaboration. This is something I’m immensely proud of and it’s the key inspiration in my daily work.
Your piece of furniture you’ll take with you on every move?
I’m a non-nostalgic person when it comes to things. But one piece I won’t leave behind is the sofa table my husband made for us 20 years ago - it’s the centerpiece in our living room ever since.

Something you like about yourself?
My intuition, and probably my curiosity too. I’m usually not afraid of trying something new and unproven, and even though I hear myself promise to never end up in one of those chaotic situations again, I know that my intuition will eventually help me completing the task.
Where are you when you want to relax?
In the woods running. They say I’m a better version of myself afterwards. And dining with my husband on a Friday night.
What makes you happy?
When I hear people talking about Fantastic Frank’s true DNA, our unique look and feel, and how it inspires them. We are working hard for it and it’s so rewarding when it’s appreciated. And, we’re just about to finish our new summer house on an island in the Stockholm archipelago and I can’t wait to finally move in after two long years of construction.