This Privacy Policy is valid from May 25, 2018. The current version is the published version and is updated continuously to comply with government requirements.

For us at Fantastic Frank, it is important that your personal information is handled in a safe and effective way. We intend to be transparent about how your information is used and want to use this page to clarify this. As a user or visitor of our web application / site (Site) you accept the guidelines described in these terms and consent to the processing of personal data as described in this privacy policy.

On the site, cookies are used to make the services work as well as possible. Learn about Fantastic France's use of cookies & similar technologies.

Here's how Fantastic Frank looks at the updated privacy protection.

  • We only collect the personal information we need to provide our services and conduct our business
  • We protect the personal data we collected
  • We only use the collected personal data for the purpose of collecting it
  • We regularly clean the personal information we no longer need when permitted by law
  • We inform those who need to be registered how and when we collect personal data
  • We inform interested parties such as registered and designated authorities if an incident arises related to our processing of personal data



We are personally responsible for processing your personal information on our website,,,,,,, and Being personally responsible means that we must ensure that you as a visitor are aware that we collect your personal information, how we do it and why. We also look forward to actively requesting your information changed, limiting how we use your information, requesting the information we have about you or using the right to be completely deleted from our systems. We do not share your information with third parties without your approval. For the treatment of customers, sellers, buyers and speculators' personal data under this policy, Fantastic Frank and relevant offices are jointly responsible for personal data.

Contact data protection questions.

Fantastic Frank International AB, 556931-5921.
Mattias Kardell
Norr Mälarstrand 10, 112 20 Stockholm
SWEDEN / 08-12045100


How long do we keep your personal data?
We keep personal data for as long as we need to fulfil the purposes. For example, in the case of buyers and sellers of residential property (and bidders), the data is stored for 10 years to comply with the Real Estate Agents Act. Accounting data/transactions are kept for 7 years. 

Your rights

You have the right to:

  • Request erasure of personal data (for example, not granted when we are required by law to retain the data).
  • Request an extract from the register.
  • Request rectification.
  • Withdraw consent with future effect.

What personal data do we process and why?

We process a number of different personal data and categories of personal data as listed below. As legal basis is either:

Contract - Processing is necessary for the performance of an assignment contract or the performance of a valuation assignment contract, for example.

Legal obligation - Refers to processing being necessary for us to fulfil our legal obligations under the law.

Legitimate interest - The most common ground. The processing is necessary to fulfil our legitimate interest in making offers to you, to market our services and Fantastic Frank and also, for example, to be able to arrange for the property to be sold to you.

The different categories of data we process are:

  • Name
  • Contact details such as address, email address and telephone number.
  • Personal number
  • Account details
  • Information about the residence
  • Copy of ID document
  • Visit statistics and click history
  • Bid data
  • Information on completed assignment
  • Information on fees paid and other financial transactions

 We process personal data for the following purposes:

  • Sellers - in connection with you, as the seller of a property, engaging Fantastic Frank to broker the property.
  • Buyers - in connection with the purchase of a property mediated by Fantastic Frank.
  • Bidders - in connection with you making a bid for a property brokered by Fantastic Frank.
  • Potential seller - when you contact Fantastic Frank for the valuation of a property.
  • Prospectors - when you contact Fantastic Frank about a property you are interested in.

Where do we collect personal data from?:

  • Yourself
  • Housing associations
  • Public registers

To whom do we transfer personal data:

We share personal data where necessary.

Sellers - in connection with the brokerage of the home.

Collaborative partners - for example, to provide valuation or similar remedial services.

Banks - in connection with, for example, access.

Service providers - in order to provide our services, we share your personal data with service providers. For example, IT service providers, marketing services, the creative team within Fantastic Frank (photographers and stylists). Our service providers are not allowed to pass on personal data and use it according to our instructions.

Other offices - in order to provide the right marketing services and communicate the right offer to you.

MLS & portals

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